Gluten-free is the newest health craze right now. Drug stores and bakeries offers gluten-free products from cookies to lipstick. There is a good reason why we all have to try a gluten-free products.
Only 1.8% of the population suffers from celiac disease which is a hypersensitivity of the small intestine in reaction to gluten.
Why you should consider gluten-free lifestyle?
1. Gluten causes brain degeneration.
Majority of individuals suffering from gluten sensitivity experience intestinal discomfort, Perlmutter says an increasing number are experiencing neurological challenges including difficulty staying on task, poor memory function, brain fog and severe headaches that result from inflammation; a common reaction to gluten in those with a sensitivity to the protein. According to Perlmutter, the brain responds really badly to inflammation.
Gliadin, a protein found in gluten-containing foods is also one of the reasons for the loss of cognitive function and the brain protein look similar to this. Anti-gliadin antibodies produced by individuals with gluten sensitivity can’t tell the difference between these two proteins and eat up the brain proteins that are required for normal cognitive function. Being gluten-free is not going to make you smarter but will be protecting you from cognitive function from weakening.
2. Gluten challenges the immune system.
Gluten also stimulates the cells of the intestine to secrete a protein called zonulin, which regulates the absorbency of the intestine. The increased production of zonulin erodes the walls of the intestine, allowing various proteins to leave the gut and enter our blood stream. This poses many challenges to the immune system, weakening out ability to fight off diseases.
3. Carbs don’t fuel your brain, fats do.
Our brains are made up of 70 percent fat, eating carbohydrates and sugars mean our brains aren’t getting the fuel being required. The best breakfast you can set up is high-fat breakfast with eggs, nuts, seeds or avocado; foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids that protect the brain.
If you are experiencing poor cognitive function, chronic headaches or inflammatory illnesses including joint or abdominal pain, gluten should be eliminated from the diet for a couple of months and monitor symptoms for change.
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